left adjoint preserves colimits
1. Proposition
Let be categories, functors and adjoints with as left adjoint. Then preserves colimits
2. Proof
2.1. construction and uniqueness
Consider following cocone in , where is a colimit.
Applying results in following cocone
Suppose there exists an object and morphisms making following diagram commute
Then we have to show, that there exists a unique morphism making the diagram commute. Applying results in
By adjointness, we get an adjunction
Let .
By naturalness of we get following commutative diagrams 1
and precomposition
Thus applying to
is a cocone By universal property of , there exists a unique morphism
and by adjointness
Thus there exists a unique morphism
2.2. commuting
w.l.o.g. for
the other side follows analogue
By assumption
By adjointness, we get following commuting diagram
and thus
Furthermore, since
we get
Hence we finally get
3. Alternative short version
Let be a colimit. Then we get by definition of a left adjoint
Using that contravariant hom-functor dualizes small colimits to limits we get
Again applying the left-adjoint and dualizing of colimits gives
slight abuse of notation, formally we would compose with on the other side.