natural transformation as functor from the product with the interval category
1. Proposition
Let be categories, be functors.
Then a natural transformation is precisely defined by a functor
making following diagram commutes
see: product category
2. Proof
2.1. natural transformation functor
We define
Note that by naturality , hence the mapping is welldefined
Then by construction, factor through
now about functorality of :
2.1.1. identity
follows from
2.1.2. composition
For composition within and , this follows from functorality of
For we get
where applying functorality of results in
For $(f, 1) ˆ (g, 0 → 1) = (f ˆ g, 0 → 1) $ we get
where applying functorality of results in
2.2. functor natural transformation
We define
Thus we get a diagram
Note that the Right half commutes, since the first half commutes. Furthermore, by assumption of factorization, we get
therefore this construction satisfies naturality