presentable category and ind
1. Proposition
Let be a regular cardinal, a locally small infinity category which admits small coproducts
- is presentable
- is accessible
- admits kappa filtered colimits and has a set of kappa compact generator
2. Proof
2.1. 1) 2)
special case
2.2. 2) 3)
where the kappa filtered colimits exist by assumption
2.3. 3) 1)
2.3.1. cocomplete
2.3.2. object as colimit of
Let be the smallest full infinity subcategory containing and -small colimits of . Then is small, as we have an epi on objects given by the functor
We want to show that
There exists a factorization
since is cocomplete (cf. universal property of the presheaf category)
Then is a left adjoint with right adjoint given by restriction , i.e.
Here preserves limits (cf. mapping space functor preserves limits), hence restricts
(cf. ind object and preserving filtered limits)
This provides an adjunction
Then as consists only of -compact objects (cf. kappa small colimit of kappa compact objects), we may conclude that
preserves -filtered colimits.
Then we may proceed similar to accessible category and Ind TODO