reduced singular homology and wedge product
1. Proposition
Let be based spaces, which admit a pointed contractible neighbourhood
, and
the reduced singular homology, then it holds for the wedge product
2. Proof
By definition it holds, that
Then for each , let
be the wedge product.
It is open by definition of the quotient topology and furthermore by wedge product of pointed contractible spaces as contractible space the chain map
is a quasi-isomorphism (cf. singular homology as homotopy invariant functor)
Then applying the homology functor results in a commutative diagram
(trust me ?, as simplices in are sent to 0)
is an isomorphism, as the constant map is part of a homotopy equivalence.
Hence it follows, that their cokernels are naturally isomorphic (cf. colim functor, isomorphisms under functors)
Therefore we get
using excision theorem for gives
and the homeomorphism
(cf. subspace of wedge product without point as coproduct) gives
applying singular homology preserves coproducts gives
again by excision, we get
and again by similar reasoning for the cokernel