relative singular homology and excision theorem

1. Proposition

2. Proof

Let 20240128-relative_singular_homology_and_excision_theorem_9cb1f996e094d334afa002f40e912423ab9df305.svg be the image of the map of chain complexes


induced by 20240128-relative_singular_homology_and_excision_theorem_92428d1ab0d43013f8fe1c34e14c9b8712bbc4d3.svg on the elementary tensors.

Let furthermore 20240128-relative_singular_homology_and_excision_theorem_c5cf4be609ebdc1ee0f29801234b7473bba60b99.svg be the the homology



commutes and furthermore, the top left term is given by 20240128-relative_singular_homology_and_excision_theorem_b436a144f637af1473adf937abd64a7b54bd7382.svg

By applying levelwise the first isomorphism theorem for groups, this induces an isomorphism on the horizontal cokernels


For any 20240128-relative_singular_homology_and_excision_theorem_bbf6f7dc7fe0e92f188e25e7a561584be3c0caf2.svg, the composition


is an isomorphism, where the first morphism is given by the isomorphism of the cokernels described above and the second by the 5-Lemma / 5-Lemma for quasi isomorphisms0

welches 5 lemma ** todo:

Date: nil

Author: Anton Zakrewski

Created: 2024-10-14 Mo 08:48